December 30, 2023

“He chose us in Christ before the foundation of the world to be holy and blameless before him in love” (Ephesians 1:4).

This verse reveals a fundamental truth about our identity and purpose: We were created to be loved by God.

Imagine this: Before the stars twinkled in the night sky, before the mountains rose in majesty, God thought of you. Before the universe burst into existence, you were in God’s heart. This is not just poetic imagery; it is the reality of God’s love. The entire cosmos, in all its vastness and beauty, was crafted as a home for us, the pinnacle of His creation, solely so He could express His love for us.

Understanding this truth transforms us. When this profound reality sinks into our souls, it eradicates any sense of insecurity or low self-esteem. Why? Because realizing that God created you out of love changes everything. It fills those hollow spaces of doubt and uncertainty with the assurance of His unending affection.

In Hosea 6:6, God speaks to us with clarity and simplicity: “I desire steadfast love and not sacrifice, the knowledge of God rather than burnt offerings.” God desires our love and wants us to know and cherish Him. This relationship of love is our primary purpose in life.

Yet, how often do we witness people drifting through life, disconnected from this divine purpose? They accumulate knowledge of the world but remain strangers to the knowledge of God. Knowing about God is different from knowing God personally. It’s one thing to acknowledge His existence; it’s entirely another to have a friendship, a love relationship with Him.

Let us embrace the love that has been ours since the beginning of time. God’s love for us is the most profound truth we can hold onto, and in return, loving Him is the greatest journey we can embark on. May this truth guide you, comfort you, and fill you with the peace that surpasses all understanding.

Bishop Mesrop Parsamyan